Discover our Premium basket, a refined selection of fruits, mostly local and complemented by imported varieties, all carefully chosen for their freshness and richness in vitamins. Ideal for a family of 4 or as a gift, this basket is also very popular for special occasions or moments of sharing between colleagues in the company. Offer or savor an exceptional fruit experience that combines quality and pleasure.
5x Orange
5x Apple
5x Mandarin
5x Pear
2x Seedless grapes (1/2 kg)
8x Banana
3x Green Lime
1x Pineapple
1x Papaya (Red Lady)
2x Lawyer
2x Yellow Lemon
1x Strawberry 250g
1x Blueberry 125g
1x Watermelon (2kg)
2x Dragon Fruit (Pitaya)
5x Passion fruit
1x Cherry 250g